Climbing for ROMP 2023
What's Your Mountain?
$10,263Raised of $33,000
Throughout the months of September and October our global community is hitting the trails and tackling their "mountains" to help others gain access to prosthetic care. This is all leading up to our Climb Team heading to Ecuador on September 30th to climb Cayambe (18,996ft)!
Our goal is 33 climbs throughout the month for 33 years of the ADA and together we will raise $33,000. Together, with the 2023 Climb Team, we will raise over $150,000 to directly fund necessary prosthetic care for 100 patients.
Join the movement and #ClimbWithUs or donate! Conquer your mountain to help others reach their summit.
33 'Climbs' for 33 Years of the ADA!
See what these amazing teams are doing as part of our 9th annual Climbing for ROMP!
You Can Climb for ROMP!
Get outside, tackle your "mountain", and raise money to help ROMP patients take their first steps towards reaching their summits.
We are asking our global community to Climb for ROMP anytime this September leading up to our Climb Team's attempt on Cayambe the first week of October.
Choose your "mountain/climb"! Get outside and do anything that gets you moving and challenges your limits: bike, walk, run, hike, or climb with us! We use "climb" as a metaphor that signifies our fight for #mobilityforall.
You can start a team, join a team, or go solo. Teams can be in-person, virtual, or BOTH! No matter where you are, you're a part of a bigger movement that’s catalyzing equitable access to technology, mobility, and the outdoors.
We climb for our patients! The Range of Motion Project (ROMP) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to providing high-quality prosthetic care and follow up services to amputees without access, improving mobility and independence. ROMP believes that when you have access to the right technology, the right team, and the right mindset, no summit is too high. We climb to show the world the power of mobility and the importance of fair access to prosthetic care.