Giving "ToolsDay" $7,500 Campaign

Our tandem bikes require special bike parts, bike tools and expert care to keep us pedaling all year long. Help us offset our 2023 Bike Maintenance costs by contributing to our Giving Tuesday campaign ... our Giving "ToolsDay" campaign!

$8,034Raised of $7,500

Thank You For Supporting Our 2022 Giving "ToolsDay"!

As we look ahead to the tens of thousands of miles we will pedal next year, we are grateful for your support to keep our tandem bikes in tip top share!

THANK YOU DONORS! We cannot pedal without you!

⚙️ Your Giving "ToolsDay" Gift Covers ⚙️

One total tandem bike overhaul

Your $1,000 gift covers the total reconfiguration of a tandem bike so that it has the most updated equipment.


⚙️ Your Giving "ToolsDay" Gift Also Covers ⚙️

Your gift this Giving "ToolsDay" will help us cover the costs, tools, expert care we need for the critical bike maintenance to keep us pedaling all year long. Curious to know some of our other bike maintenance needs? Here's what your support can help provide for our tandem bikes!

  • $130 - Set of shifters, with installation
  • $100 - Bottom bracket installation
  • $85 - Derailleur hanger, with installation
  • $65 - New brake pads, with installation
  • $35 - Replacement screws
  • $25 - Bike chain installation
  • $12 - Gear cables

Click the donate button below to enter your custom gift amount!

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InTandem Cycling is a New York City-based 501(c)(3) organization that provides free year-round tandem cycling programs to people who are blind, have low vision or who cannot ride a bike independently due to other disabilities.