Knight Hike

Support Kim Pritchard on his 2,200 mile long hike on the Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine! 100% of your donation will support Down Syndrome Association of Brazos Valley.

$1,190Raised of $5,000

Support Kim's "Knight Hike"

All gifts submitted to this form will support the Down Syndrome Association of Brazos Valley. DSABV is a community of individuals and couples with Down syndrome, self-advocates, families, friends, and professionals. DSABV works to provide the opportunity, education, and resources to empower our members so they may realize their lives’ aspirations and ambitions.

The community-based support allows hosting and sponsoring regular social activities, year-round educational programs, conferences, workshops, and community events. We thank you for your support!

Pledge Your Support to Kim's Knight Hike

Please support our families by sponsoring Kim Pritchard's 2,200 mile Pro-Life "Knight Hike"! Here are some suggested donation amounts:

  • $22 = $0.01/trail mile
  • $55 = $0.025/trail mile
  • $110 = $0.05/trail mile
  • $220 = $0.10/trail mile
  • $550 = $0.25/trail mile
  • $1,000 = $0.50/trail mile

You can also choose to leave a custom donation of any amount. Thank you for your support. Every gift makes a difference for families!

Donate Now


About Kim Pritchard

My name is Kim Pritchard. I am an active member of the Knights of Columbus (Council 3205 and Assembly 2041) and a parishioner of St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in College Station, TX. Over the last year, I have been contemplating the idea of hiking the 2,200 mile long Appalachian Trail (from Georgia to Maine), beginning February 1st 2024 and hopefully ending by August 30th 2024. I am 69 years old, and even though I’m in decent physical condition, I know the hike will be a formidable challenge for me.

Over the last few months, I have concluded that I would like to take on this challenge for a cause bigger than myself. Through the encouragement of others, I have decided to take on this formidable hike for the purpose of raising funds for Pro-Life charities in the local Bryan/College Station Area. 100% of any donations made to these charities will go directly to the charity or charities that are selected by you. All expenses associated with my hike will be borne by myself. I will be giving updates to the webpage and the facebook page as I proceed through the hike which will include messages and photos.

Thank you for considering helping with this worthy cause to raise awareness and strongly support the belief that Life Matters. I hope many of you are able to participate to help the babies and their parents in need.

God Bless You,

