Northern High School Courtyard Project

Creating the Northern High School Campus of the Future

$2,750Raised of $39,400


Our Mission: Create the Northern High School Campus of the Future

The Polar Bear Foundation is partnering with the Northern High School administration to create access to their interior courtyard! Currently, students can only access the courtyard by exiting through certain rooms, which can often disrupt classes.

"I've always thought having access to the courtyard from the main floor would open up many potential opportunities for our students. We are blessed with a beautiful courtyard space, but most only get to see it from behind glass windows. Having an access point that doesn't require going down to the first floor and walking through another classroom would allow students to use this area in many different ways. We have thought about how it could be used over our lunch periods, as a place for certain students to go during a study hall, and as an outdoor classroom space that teachers could sign up to use."

-Northern High School Principal, Steve Lehman

Courtyard, Winter 2023


With access, students can:

  • Earn the right to use the courtyard during study halls

  • Eat in the courtyard during their senior year

  • Enjoy classes outside

  • Enjoy the fresh air and a touch of freedom

Access also highlights the work of the landscaping/horticulture students and will utilize a beautiful part of the school!

"I think having a door to the courtyard would improve student life a lot. Many students feel trapped in school all day and would benefit from having fresh air and a change of scenery. Also, having rights to the courtyard could motivate students to try harder in different areas."

-Northern Sophomore, Cecilia Richwine

The courtyard currently:

  • Can be seen from windows

  • Have cameras that cover the space

  • Fencing at the end of the courtyard

  • Has several exits into lower-level classrooms in case of emergency

"From a safety perspective, the courtyard is an enclosed space, and it has cameras that capture what is happening. Our school would benefit from better access to this outdoor space. We would be willing to use some of our Student Activity money to help supplement the cost of adding a door and staircase to this area. We are excited to partner with the Polar Bear Foundation on this potential project."

-Northern High School Principal, Steve Lehman

Our goal of $39,400.00 will be added to money from the HS student activities fund to build a staircase from the front lobby into the courtyard. Donations of any size are appreciated! 

REVISED Staircase Levels.jpg
