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GREAT GATHERING: Blooming Bouquets of Joy

GREAT GATHERING: Blooming Bouquets of Joy


You and your family can enjoy a joyful flower-making session with a purpose! Design bedside bouquets with a gardener's dream of flowers at a unique flower-making gathering.

This is a hands-on giving experience where kids can actively participate in acts of service, learning the value of generosity, empathy, and community impact in a fun and engaging way. Arrangements created will be hand-delivered to isolated seniors to bring them joy and connection.

You will be guided as you assemble cheerful bouquets and make the flower magic happen. Each participant will make their own personal bouquet to take home. All ages welcome. Bloom on!

Date/Time TBD - (2 events will be hosted with 25 people each.)

Hosted by: Elizabeth Lind

Location: Bluebirds & Blooms