Chattanooga Autism Celebration Walk
Coolidge Park
$31,651Raised of $100,000
The Details
When: April 12, 2025. Activities start at 9am. Walk will start promptly at 11am, and participants can expect to be finished by noon.
Where: Coolidge Park, 150 River St, Chattanooga, TN 37405
Flyer: Click here to download. Please share at your school, workplace, and favorite businesses!
Last year, nearly 1,500 individuals signed up to walk or fundraiser. The majority are families who have an autistic child or relative. Other walkers are autistic adults, educators, students, community businesses, service providers, clinicians, and friends.
Anyone can register for the walk. Once registered, people can create teams and compete for prizes. Prizes are available for largest teams, the teams who raise the most money, individuals who raise the most money, and other categories. Teams can be for a family, a business, church, support group, or any other group!
STAY TUNED! Our route will be different this year due to planned construction on the Walnut Street Bridge. We will still start and end at Coolidge Park! Along the route, we’ll have 70+ huge banners showing different autism facts for all to read. People will learn about autism, prevalence rates, and positive aspects about autism while also dispelling myths. Walkers will learn how families appreciate that their community better understands autism and celebrates neurodiversity.
There will be music, acknowledgement of teams, prizes for team captains and individuals, sponsor recognition, and several kids’ activities starting at 9am. Dozens of exhibitors will have displays at tables to educate the public about their autism-related services.
Funds raised beyond the event expenses will go to support the local programs of the Chattanooga Autism Center. These include the Autism Outpatient Clinic, Bridges ABA Therapy Clinic, Annual Conference, GCA Centre for Adult Autism, STAGES Adult Transition Program, Spanish Language Outreach Program, Ascending Scales Music Therapy, and more. To learn more about the Chattanooga Autism Center, visit