Sep 15, 2024

46th Annual Rich Stallcup Bird-A-Thon

Bird and nature lovers unite for the ultimate 24-hour birdwatching showdown September 15 – October 15!

$62,997Raised of $100,000

View the leaderboard below and click "view all" under either column. Click on the individual or team you would like to support!

How to Support an Individual

To support their efforts, you have two options:

1. Pledge per species observed — Participants set a goal for themselves to observe a specific amount of bird species during their campaign. The most motivating way to donate to a fundraiser is by making a pledge to their campaign based on their bird species observed goal. Ex: Stanley expects to identify 50 birds. You would like to pledge $1 for every bird species Stanley observes. At the end of the Bird-A-Thon, Stanley enters the number of bird species he observed. You will then receive a notification that your credit card on file will be charged based on Stanley's actual bird count.

2. One-time Donation — If you would prefer to make a one-time donation to a fundraiser that's great too! Input the amount you would like to donate to their campaign online or you can mail a check made out to Point Blue Conservation Science to the address at the bottom of your screen. Please include a note that it is for the Bird-A-Thon and the fundraiser you are supporting.

How to Support a Team

You still have two options:

1. Make a one-time donation — Same as above but for a team.

2. Pledge per species observed — 🐦You cannot pledge per species through a team page. If that ruffles your feathers, don't fret! You can still support that team by pledging per species to an individual team member. Find the team you'd like to support on the Leaderboard below, click Donate to support them, and then select a birder on their team to receive your pledge per species.