
Raised of $5,000

Aminta Romero St Onge

Team Captain of The Rooted Warriors

The Rooted Warriors

So let me tell you about THE ROOTED WARRIORS...

1. The group is made up of individuals who have Parkinson, are caregivers to someone with Parkinson, their families, and friends.

2. This group has come together, at least initially, by attending a Yoga for Parkinson class. Some have been attending since 2013.

3. Some attend virtual classes, some attend classes in person and some do both!

4. I am sure the list can go on for a while, but I mostly want to acknowledge this team is the 'family' God rewarded me when I started teaching Yoga for Parkinson in 2013.

Since teaching yoga for Parkinson, I have made it my mission to teach classes that cater specifically to those with Parkinson, helping them use yoga as a therapeutic tool to help empower them and/or manage the daily challenges Parkinson presents them with and also discover the joy that surrounds them.

It takes a village...

In addition to the Parkinson of the Carolinas, churches (India Hook Methodist, Fort Mill Unity Presbyterian Church, Belmont Presbyterian Church), Southminster Retirement Community, Jewish Community Center, Lake Norman Muy Thai , and Pilates of Charlotte all offer space so Yoga for Parkinsons can be offered at no charge for participants.

THE ROOTED WARRIORS have had the largest number of participants attend the MoveIt! Walk the past 8 years and we celebrate our victory with the Pizza Party prize for those attending.

I invite you, your friends and families to join our team to create more Parkinson awareness, donate to help support the programs intended to help the local area Parkies, caregivers, and families with more opportunities to move. Donating is not a requirement and I would love to add another member to our Rooted Warrior team.

Let me know if you have any questions about this event, I would love to answer your questions.

I can be reached at aminta@yogavibez.com

Contributions 14