
Raised of $400

George Marschall

0/100 species seen

Mar 11 - May 15, 2023

My Mission

Hey all! As the newest member of the Golden Gate Audubon team I'm super excited to go out and explore the Bay Area in the name of birds! For those of you who may not know, our organization is dedicated to to protecting birds, other species, and their natural habitats. But wait there's more! GGA is dedicated to connecting people with the natural world and hosts over 200 free field trips a year. Despite it's seemingly humble mission, Golden Gate Audubon is a powerhouse in the bay area in helping pass legislation and informing the public of important local actions.

So why have I gathered you all here on this web page you may ask? Well! Birdathon is our annual fundraiser that helps keep our doors open and the birds flying! Our office will venture into the field from 5am-5pm on March 29th to See! Those! Birds! We are asking folks to help support us by providing us between 10 cents to 10 dollars per bird that we see (our goal is 100 unique species), or you can make a one-time donation instead.

Won't you consider pitching in knowing that I will be out in the field staring through binoculars at fuzzy feathery beasts that I cannot recognize, while my coworkers inform me that I'm looking at a red-titted woodscratcher or something like that? The mere thought of my confusion should be convincing enough!


Contributions 3