
Raised of $1,000

Eastern Illinois Football

0/5 touchdowns and turnovers

Nov 11, 2023

Eastern Illinois Touchdown and Turnover Pledge Drive 2023

Where Every Panthers Big Play Means More!

The Eastern Illinois Chapter of Uplifting Athletes will be holding a Touchdown and Turnover Pledge Drive on November 11 vs. Tennessee State to shine a spotlight on the rare disease community.

Panthers fans can help tackle rare diseases by making a pledge for each touchdown scored and turnover forced against Tennessee State, then watch and cheer as each Panthers big play helps support the rare disease community.

The challenges faced by the rare disease community today are bigger than any one individual, team, or organization can tackle alone. To create the change needed, we all must rally together.

Proceeds from the Eastern Illinois Chapter 2023 Touchdown and Turnover Pledge Drive support Uplifting Athletes and its commitment to create Uplifting Leaders, engage in Uplifting Experiences, fund rare disease research, and expand rare disease awareness.

Contributions 10