1,059 total minutes

IAA Read-A-Thon | Fall 2024

We Got the Scoop on Reading!

$840Raised of $10,000

Support our Students!

The best way to become a better reader is to READ!

The IAA Read-a-thon is a school fundraiser for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will set a reading goal, gather sponsors to pledge money, read during the week of December 2-December 9, turn in packets on Dec. 10, and money by Dec. 16.

Proceeds raised from this Read-A-Thon go towards purchasing a school van.

What is Read-A-Thon?

A school fundraiser for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will set a reading goal, gather sponsors to pledge money, and READ!

Important Dates:

Nov. 21-Dec 2 Collect pledges

Dec 2 -Dec. 9 Read

Dec. 10 Turn in reading logs, and start collect pledges

Dec. 16 Last day to turn in pledge forms and money raised



We have some awesome prizes for this event!

If our whole school reaches the $10,000 goal, everyone will win a field trip to Get Air!


How Do Students Participate?

There are five things students need to do to participate in Read-A-Thon:

1. Set a reading goal.

2. Set up a website page (with parent's help) or prepare paper forms.

3. Get sponsors - Call everyone in the Grand Junction, Palisade, and Fruita church directories, Ask family members: grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins. Ask friends and neighbors and parents’ colleagues. Ask businesses and companies. Share the Read-a-thon website and your page.

4. Read during the week of Dec. 2 - Dec. 9, and fill out a reading log OR update page on website.

5. Turn in pledge sheets and reading logs by Dec. 10. Turn in all donations by Dec. 16.

What Counts as Reading for this Event?

  • Books

  • Magazines

  • Newspapers

  • Audiobooks

  • Online Reading/KidsA-Z

  • Books in languages other than English

  • Parents reading to kids

  • Kids reading to parents

  • Siblings reading to each other count for both kids

  • Regular assigned reading (as decided/approved by your teacher)

