
Raised of $30,000

Team NPC

Team participating in 2023 Million Dollar Bike Ride

Captained by Brian Coppola

Team NPC

Team NPC is a group of dedicated families and friends affected by Niemann-Pick type C disease and scientists researching the disease. Together they are raising funds for research into Niemann-Pick type C that will lead to a treatment or cure for this devastating and fatal neurodegenerative disease.

Million Dollar Bike Ride

This fundraiser is the ONLY one in the United States that will match your donation DOLLAR for DOLLAR for Niemann-Pick type C disease research. Team NPC has funded six research projects since 2014 and has raised at least $50,000 each year which has been matched by U Penn to $100,000 each year in 2014, 2015,2016, 2017,2018, 2019,2020 & 2021. Can you help us reach this level again in 2023?

Niemann-Pick type C disease is a fatal neurodegenerative disease

There is no FDA approved treatment for NPC disease. Please help us fund research to find a treatment or cure for this fatal neurodegenerative disease.

Team Members 5

Contributions 3