
Raised of $100

Tomahawk Public Library

Team participating in Great Wisconsin Birdathon 2024

Takes place Apr 15 - Jun 15, 2024

Captained by Heidi O'Hare

Support the Tomahawk Public Library team in the Great Wisconsin Birdathon!


Birds need our help! North America has lost over 3 billion birds since the 1970s, but we can help #BringBirdsBack. By donating to our team, you're supporting the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin's Bird Protection Fund, which funds Wisconsin's highest priority bird conservation projects. Half of any funds raised will also support the Tomahawk Public Library in adding bird-related materials to the library's collection that focus on caring for and/or learning about birds.

Make a donation online by clicking "Donate" above, or mail a check to: Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, ATTN: Great Wisconsin Birdathon, 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison, WI 53703 (and include our team's name in the memo line!)

Donations are accepted from March 15th to June 30th.


Break out your binoculars #ForTheBirds! Join the Tomahawk Public Library Birdathon team and help us find as many bird species as possible!

It's like a walk-a-thon style fundraiser, but instead of logging miles, participants log bird sightings any day from April 15th to June 15th. Team members can bird watch anywhere in Wisconsin--a backyard, parks, or your favorite birding hot spots. 🦅

Find information about local birding hotspots here:

Lincoln County Birding Sites

The Great Wisconsin Birding & Nature Trail (SEE the Lake Superior and Northwoods Region Viewing Guide)

Join the Tomahawk Public Library Birdathon team online by clicking "Join" above to register. Then stop by the library to pick up a Birdwatching Notebook to log your sightings. Or print out a birding log here:

Birdathon Species Checklist -- Birding Log

Remember to turn in your completed birding log at the library by June 25th!

Team members also have the option to choose to fundraise by posting on social media or sending emails letting friends and family know they can support you by making an online donation on this page. Your donors will have the option to make a general donation to you or your team OR they can make a "pledge" to you and pledge to donate based on how many birds you report seeing.

Donations are accepted from March 15th to June 30th.

Find tips and tools to make your fundraising easy in the guide below:

Fundraising Guide

Team Members 2

Heidi O'Hare

1 mo. ago


bird species seen


Per bird species seen



Ten bird species have been logged by the Tomahawk Public Library team! Way to go!

1) Red-tailed hawk

2) Red-headed woodpecker

3) Downy woodpecker

4) Goldfinch

5) Raven

6) Junco

7) Mallard

8) Purple finch

9) Black-capped chickadee

10) Northern cardinals (both male and female)


bird species seen


Per bird species seen



red tailed hawk

red headed woodpecker

downy woodpecker




bird species seen


Per bird species seen



Juncos, Mallards, Purple Finch, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Cardinals (both male and female).

Contributions 2


Your Donation Makes a Difference For Birds

Donations made to the Great Wisconsin Birdathon support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s Bird Protection Fund, which has given out over $1.4 million towards Wisconsin’s highest priority bird conservation projects since its inception in 2009.

Whether it's creating Piping Plover habitat, rearing Whooping Crane chicks, spreading awareness about declining songbirds, supporting community initiatives for bird-friendly neighborhoods, engaging new and underrepresented voices in the birding community, building impactful collaborations to protect Wisconsin's Important Bird Areas, or protecting our neotropical migrants on their long migratory journeys to Central America... the Bird Protection Fund is there to help.

Your donations make this work possible. Thank you for supporting on-the-ground conservation and being there #ForTheBirds!