
Raised of $30,000

NEHI Warriors

Team participating in 2023 Million Dollar Bike Ride

Captained by Jonathan Bush

Our Mission

The Penn Medicine Orphan Disease Center will host the 10th Annual Million Dollar Bike Ride on Saturday, June 10, 2023. We are thrilled to have team NEHI Warrior participating for the 4th year in a row! Through this amazing partnership we have been able to support over $245,000 in pilot grants for medical research focused on NEHI. We look forward to raising awareness, supporting research, and coming together as a team with NEHI families worldwide! We have answered some commonly asked questions below. For additional questions or help reach out to carly@nehiresearch.org.

Why are we participating in the MDBR?

This event is one-of-a-kind and provides opportunities we otherwise would not have. The Penn Orphan Disease Center (ODC) partners with 30+ rare disease organizations through the MDBR. We set the parameters for the NEHI grant but the ODC truly does all the work with no overhead taken out. They distribute the call for proposals worldwide, ensuring we find the absolute best applicants. In addition to all the wonderful work they do on our behalf they also match, dollar for dollar, up to $30,000!

Team Members 19

Contributions 123