Raised of $2,000
Team Profile
Team participating in Climbing for ROMP 2023
Captained by Heather Shorey
Our Mission is a SHORE Thang Ba-by
ROMP's mission is very important to us and we're proud to help with them and make a difference.
Please support All of us who are, have been, or will be affected by limb loss/difference—by giving what you are able or feel so inclined to. Every gift counts! We are the only demographic anyone can join regardless of race, class, gender, orientation, affiliation, you name it—WE are YOU! #climbwithus
If one tree fruits, they all fruit…the trees act not as individuals, but somehow as a collective. Exactly how they do this, we don’t yet know…all flourishing is mutual.
-Robin Wall Kimmerer, ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’
Me ke Aloha a Me ka Mahalo,
Heather & Rocky (ain’t nothin’ but a SHORE Thang)
Team Members 2
Rocky Shorey
Heather Shorey