
Raised of $40,000

Raring to Go for CHI with Team CHIbra!

Team participating in 2023 Million Dollar Bike Ride

Captained by Jennifer Schmitt

Join Team CHIbra in raising funds for congenital hyperinsulinism research to help find tools for better management of HI, new treatments, and, one day, a cure.

I dare to dream of a day where I don’t constantly have to educate my daughter’s doctors on what HI is, so that she is dealt with and treated on time. A time where we are not consistently hoping and praying that her blood sugars stay up for a day. I dare to dream of a day where she can live a normal child’s life.”

- Michaela, HI Mom

Congenital Hyperinsulinism (HI) is a life-threatening disorder that causes dangerously low blood sugar levels. Prolonged or severe low blood sugar can cause seizures, brain damage, and even death. The consequences of HI are preventable; however, HI is often overlooked, misdiagnosed, or even when detected, mistreated.

We know how hard it is to live with and manage HI. That is why Team CHIbra is raising funds to address the critical need for research for diagnostic tests that would increase timely diagnosis of HI, tools for better management, new treatments, and, one day, a cure.

We are raising these funds as part of the Million Dollar Bike Ride initiative, a project of the Orphan Disease Center of the University of Pennsylvania, our partner in funding research - who will be matching the first $30,000 of our donations!

Thanks to all of you, Congenital Hyperinsulinism International (CHI) has raised over $660,000 for HI research over the past 9 years. You can see past grant winners here.

Let's keep funding research for a future without lows!

How can you support Team CHIbra this year? You can:

  • Donate to the team right here or on our website!
  • Sign up as a rider and join us in Philly on June 10 by clicking the Register button at the right!
  • Can't be there in person? Sign up as a virtual rider or fundraiser by clicking the Register button at the right!

  • Share this page with friends and family via email and social media to ask for their support to raise research funds and awareness. Every gift matters!

Need a hand? Call Jennifer Schmitt, Associate Director, CHI, at 973-544-8372 or email jschmitt@congenitalhi.org.

Team Members 17

Julie Raskin

1 yr. ago

Dear Friends and Family, I am riding in the Million Dollar Bike Ride (MDBR) to raise funds for research that will lead to a brighter future for babies born with the rare condition, congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) which can cause brain damage or death. Funds raised through the MDBR will enable researchers to better understand the disease and work for better diagnostics, treatments, and potentially, a cure. I am thrilled that my husband Mark and two adult children, Hannah and Benjamin, are all participating in this ride and are big supporters of the cause. It would be amazing if you could join us in this worthy cause, a quest for a better life for babies, children, and adults born with HI. Thank you so much for considering this,

Julie Raskin

Help support the CHIbras ride for Kids with CHI. NO MORE LOWS!

Contributions 47