Raised of $500
Grousewell (Groundswell Conservancy)
Team Profile
Team participating in Great Wisconsin Birdathon 2024
Takes place Apr 15 - Jun 15, 2024
Captained by Ben Lam
Support Groundswell in the Great Wisconsin Birdathon!
Groundswell Conservancy protects special places, forever - for our community and the birds!
Birds need our help! By donating to our team, you're supporting both the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin's Bird Protection Fund, which funds Wisconsin's highest priority bird conservation projects and Groundswell Conservancy. 50% of the funds raised by our team will support Groundswell projects. Your support will help us continue our habitat conservation projects at Westport Prairie and Patrick Marsh.
Birds have made an incredible difference in our lives and we want to protect them. Every dollar counts when it comes to helping our birds, so no donation is too small. Thank you for considering!
Make a donation online by clicking "donate" above, or mail a check to: Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, ATTN: Great Wisconsin Birdathon, 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison, WI 53703 (and include our team's name in the memo line!)
Join Us!
Team Grousewell will have an outing (open to the public) at Patrick Marsh on Saturday, May 4th from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Ben Lam (Outreach & Events Coordinator) will lead the trip. Stay tuned for more details and our trip sign-up page in early April.
After the Patrick Marsh outing, Ben will continue birding to visit some of the special places that we've helped protect. Follow along on our social media!
Register to join us here: https://groundswellconservancy.org/event/great-wisconsin-birdathon/
Team Members 2
Ben Lam
Anita Temple
Ben Lam
10 mo. ago
bird species seen
Per bird species seen
Grousewell (Groundswell Conservancy) had their Birdathon day on Saturday, May 4th. Our team focused on birding in locations where Groundswell has helped protect. The day started with a public event at Patrick Marsh. The group had a full range of birding experience with some new to birding to some with many years of experience. It was great to introduce some people to how fun birding is!
Meanwhile, Tony birded while on a paddle down the Sugar River. Tony picked up a few species that were not seen that morning at Patrick Marsh like Green Heron, White-crowned Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Belted Kingfisher, and shorebirds.
After the outing at Patrick Marsh, Anita, Brandon, and I continued birding at Westport Prairie and Cherokee Marsh.
I finished our Birdathon at Wally Bauman Woods (Lakeshore Nature Preserve) the next morning. Wally Bauman Woods was Groundswell Conservancy's inaugural project!
Grousewell's Total Species Count: 79 species!
Trip Report: https://ebird.org/tripreport/231874
This trip report does not include all species seen as some species were not logged to eBird.
1. Introducing more people to birding!
2. White-breasted Nuthatches coming out of a cavity and bringing insects back to it.
3. The flowers at Westport Prairie.
4. Standing on the elevated viewing platform at Cherokee Marsh and looking down at Yellow Warblers and Common Yellowthroats.
Thank you to everyone for joining and supporting us, birds, and our community.
Contributions 12
Your Donation Makes a Difference For Birds
Donations made to the Great Wisconsin Birdathon support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s Bird Protection Fund, which has given out over $1.4 million towards Wisconsin’s highest priority bird conservation projects since its inception in 2009.
Whether it's creating Piping Plover habitat, rearing Whooping Crane chicks, spreading awareness about declining songbirds, supporting community initiatives for bird-friendly neighborhoods, engaging new and underrepresented voices in the birding community, building impactful collaborations to protect Wisconsin's Important Bird Areas, or protecting our neotropical migrants on their long migratory journeys to Central America... the Bird Protection Fund is there to help.
Your donations make this work possible. Thank you for supporting on-the-ground conservation and being there #ForTheBirds!