Welcome to Monkton Vermont's Little League Hitting Challenge

On Saturday May 8, 2021 Monkton Little League is hosting a hitting challenge to raise money to make Little League accessible to all residents. You may sponsor a player below or simply donate to our cause. Please scroll down to view our thank you gifts.

$6,050Raised of $3,500

Making Little League Baseball accessible to all children in Monkton

Two years ago, a caring group of parent volunteers recut the Monkton Little League diamond to official dimensions and gave it new life. Our work is not quite done as we need to put the finishing touches on the field, upgrade our aging equipment, and strive to make Little League financially accessible to every child in our Town. Aside from sponsorship money helping us reach our goal, we hope to begin an annual tradition that will put a positive charge into the community. Please note that 10% of net proceeds will go to Mount Abe Little League (MALL). Players from other towns may participate, their donations will be split 50-50 with their town and MALL.

Bill Lee Autographed Ball

Red Sox Hall of Famer, Bill "Spaceman" Lee has autographed 40 balls to be given to the first 40 participants who raise $25. Thank you Bill Lee!


Raffle item - Team USA Autographed Bat

Thank you Tom Simon from McCormick Fitzpatrick Law for donating an autographed 2008 USA Collegiate National Team coached by Mike Weathers. This is not certified but I believe this bat has Joe Kelley's autograph on it. Players will get 1 raffle ticket for every $50 they raise. The drawing will be done at the end of the hitting challenge. You do not need to be present to win.

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Hitting Challenge Rules

Monkton Little League's new home run fence will mark the boundary for the highest hit value. Each player will have a chance to hit 10 balls in fair territory. Each hit will be scored using the scoring chart below based on where the ball first lands off the bat. The player with the highest score wins. Participants will be grouped according to their league age team. Winners will receive a $25 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods.


Thank You Gifts!

We reached out to Vermont based businesses and are very grateful for their contributions in helping Monkton Little League provide thank you gifts for your donations. Donations of $25 or more may select one of the following thank you gifts as a way to recognize your generosity. When you are about to complete your donation you will find a "Share a Comment" window - please specify what gift you would like in this comment section. Gifts will be made out to you.

Woody Jackson - America's Pastime Poster

For years Woody Jackson (Ben and Jerry's famous cow artist) has been supporting the youth of Addison county with his creative talents and generosity. We are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to offer a poster of Woody Jackson's, "America's Pastime" for a donation of $25 or more. Posters will be printed and sent approximately 3-4 weeks after our event as we won't know how many to print until our campaign is complete.


Vermont Smoke and Cure

Vermont Smoke and Cure's will send you a 20 count of mini-bbq beef sticks with a donation of $25 or more. These are made in Hinesburg and are absolutely delicious!

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Vermont Nut Free Chocolates

For a $25 donation we will send you a box of Salted Carmels courtesy of the Vermont Nut Free Chocolate Factory. Timmy Hunt has a peanut allergy and absolutely loves this company!

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Darn Tough Socks

With a $25 donation you can elect to receive a pair of Vermont's Darn Tough Socks - from their Hiking collection! As a prior active duty soldier, you can never have enough Darn Tough socks!

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Monkton Little League Sponsors

Monkton Little League would like to recognize the following businesses for their meaningful contributions to the 2021 season:

