Feb 22, 2025

Special Olympics Georgia Polar Plunge

February 22, 2025 9:30am - 1pm at Acworth Beach

$163,828Raised of $200,000

Run, walk, or dance into chilly waters to raise funds for the athletes of Special Olympics Georgia!

Participate in the coolest event of the year — the Polar Plunge! Not only will you brave the cold waters, but you'll have the opportunity to earn incentives, party with friends, and support Special Olympics Georgia.

Register today to help fundraise for Special Olympics Georgia! Looking to show your support of a Polar Plunger or help us reach our goal? Click Donate Now to make your gift today!

Getting Started

  1. Sign up, join a team or create your own team!

  2. Share your team page with friends & family through text, email and social media.

  3. Ask everyone you know to support you Freezin' For A Reason!

  4. Raise money and win prizes!

  5. Show up in a costume & get ready to Take The Plunge!

Are you "too chicken" to Plunge?! Don't worry, we welcome all...

You don't need to risk hypothermia to be part of the Polar Plunge. In fact, we need as many warm and caring souls as we do brave ones in order to have a successful event. Partner with us as a Sponsor or register as a "Chicken" for this one-of-a-kind event to raise funds and awareness for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact MEC@specialolympicsga.org



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Special Olympics Georgia provides year round Olympic type sports training for people with and without intellectual disabilities all throughout Georgia. All funds raised go to supporting this mission and spreading inclusion throughout the state!