Putt Putt Palooza '24
Inaugural Event, Celebrating 55 Years of Mentoring!
$95 raised
Our Mission
Why join BBBS for this family friendly fundraiser?
BBBS has impacted youth for 55 years in Washington County. The agency operates under the belief that every child has the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As part of the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, BBBS makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (Bigs) and children (Littles) ages 6-18. Every LITTLE moment between a mentee and mentor makes a BIG impact that lasts a lifetime!
Our fundraising events, like Putt Putt Palooza support our matches, our activities. and operational costs. Empowering youth can ignite their potential. We are asking you to be a defender of potential!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County needs more Bigs to mentor our Littles. Consider volunteering your time to make an impact on youth. We currently have 60 matches and another 30 youth waiting for a mentor. If you can’t volunteer your time, please consider making a monthly or one-time donation to our agency to support our work, check out our donation wish list, or participate in one of our annual fundraising events. Learn more about how you can support BBBS by visiting our website at www.bbbswashco.org.
Event Details
Putt Putt Palooza '24
August 10, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Stinger's Golf & Recreation
601 E. Paradise Dr., West Bend, WI
(Rain Date: Aug. 17)
This inaugural family friendly fundraising event will celebrate 55 years of one-to-one mentoring in Washington County. Big Brothers Big Sisters is part of one of largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring networks in the country which makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (Bigs) and children (Littles).
Our agency's very first Big Brother, Mike Bloedorn will make the first putt with his Little Brother, Dale! Mike was matched with Dale in 1969 and they are still active in each other's lives today!
Purchase tickets today and join us for a day of fun at Stinger's Golf & Recreation in West Bend! Please choose your ticket type and a specific time slot when selecting your tickets!
Ticket Packages Include:
Standard Ticket Package - includes one game of mini golf
$10 - Individual
$30 - Family of 3 or 4
$50 - Family of 5+VIP Ticket Package - includes one game of mini golf, a snack, a drink, and participation in all Out of Bounds games per golfer!
$15 - Individual
$40 - Family of 3 or 4
$60 - Family of 5+
Big Brothers Big Sisters' BIG/LITTLE matches get 50% off any type of ticket package prices! Matches, please call or email the BBBS Office to get your promo code to save 50% when you register - info@bbbswaschco.org or 262-334-7896.
Everyone will have a chance to participate in the Hole-in-One contest! Get a hole-in-one on holes 3, 8, 13, or 15 and you'll win raffle tickets for the variety of raffle baskets available at the event. All paid event participants no matter ticket type will qualify!
Out of Bound Games ($5 each) - Participants will receive raffle tickets to enter to win a variety of raffle baskets.
A variety of Raffle Baskets will be available. Tickets are 6-$5, 15-$10, or 30-$20! Winners will be selected on Facebook Live on Monday, August 12 at 10:00AM.
We can't wait to see you at Putt Putt Palooza '24!