Changemaker Challenge Team 10k Row

Be The Change!

$12,709Raised of $100,000

Calling all Changemakers!

October 26th from 8am to 1 pm @ City of Refuge.

Team 10k Row! Teams of 3 (all male/all female) will row for time while watching the Jumbo Tron to see where they stand in the race against their fellow competitors using Concept 2's Erg Software. Top teams will win prizes from our amazing partners like Yeti, Lululemon, and more.

Are you ready?

After signing up, to help Noble Clay make maximum impact, we will encourage you and your team to fundraise by sharing your personalized page with friends and family! Every dollar makes a difference!


1. Sign up.

2. Either 'Create a Team' or 'Join a Team'

3. Get two buddies to sign up and join your team.

4. Personalize your fundraising page.

5. Share it via text/email with 10 or more friends and family members.

6. Train as much as you can.

7. Show up on event day and give your best effort!

** Fundraising on behalf of Noble Clay is NOT required, but highly encouraged.


The Problem: America's health is being destroyed!

* 74% of Americans are overweight or obese.

* 40% of children are overweight or obese.

* 52% are pre-diabetic or diabetic, completely reversible conditions!

*30% of teens are pre-diabetic (it was 11% in 2002)

*34% of young adults have mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.

* 77% of our youth are ineligible to join the military due to poor health!

* Nearly one in two Americans is predicted to get cancer in their lifetime.

* 18% of teens have fatty liver disease.

And, it goes on!

The Solution:

* Eat whole foods, limiting sugars, seed oils, and unhealthy salts. (hard to do in America)

* Sleep 8-9 hours per night in a dark/cold room.

* Use herbs to enhance organ function and health.

* Get 30 min of direct sunlight a day

* Resistance train 2-3x a week + 2-3x a week of aerobic based work.

* Stop eating at 80% full.

* Drink 1/2 bodyweight in ounces of water every day.

* spend 15-30 min walking in nature (the woods) daily.

What is needed for every person to execute this solution?

- Education + Consistency + Accountability

What is the best way to ensure the solution is executed?

- Compassionate/Competent Coaches + Healthy Fitness Communities

Noble Clay was created to BE THIS SOLUTION!


It's proven through scientific data, real-life experience, and gut-level wisdom that: 

1. Giving your money away is financially one of the best ways to generate joy and happiness promoting health.  

2. Gathering with friends and sweating is relationally, and physically one of the best ways to generate joy. 

3. Knowing you are giving to others through sacrificing your time and money generates long-lasting joy. 

So, do you want joy to overflow into your life? 

We have created the Changemaker Challenge with this aim in mind! 

Will you join us at this impactful event? 

Every Dollar Makes a Difference

Provide One Month of Coaching

The timeframe takes to establish a quality relationship and generate a new habit of movement in a person's life.


See Noble Clay's Model for yourself

Personalized coaching. Community driven. Fitness for all.

At Noble Clay, we're creating a fitness experience that is personal, community-centric, and impactful (in more ways than one), and your pledge will help us continue providing top-notch training, community focus, and sliding scale pricing to ensure all people have access to the best training within Atlanta.

Grab a team of 3 and row 10k for time!

Our Sponsors


Why Yeti supports Noble Clay.......

“YETI is proud to support Noble Clay and their mission to offer underserved communities the opportunity to achieve health and wellness. Their passion for people and ensuring equitable access to fitness is inspiring and we are honored to help them continue the amazing work they are doing.”-YETI, Sponsor for 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and now 2024!

Why Essential Ingredients supports Noble Clay....

"I have experienced myself how staying fit helps me reduce stress, think more clearly, and be a better husband, Dad, Grandpa, friend, and leader. My heart breaks for those who are not equipped or encouraged to have this opportunity and I know Ben and his team are passionate about offering this to “the least among us”, the poor and vulnerable which is one of our highest callings." (Kris Maynard, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman)

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Why Carter supports Noble Clay

"Carter is proud to support Noble Clay in Summerhill because we believe in their mission to make health and wellness accessible to everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background. We believe that fitness and nutrition are key pillars for building strong, vibrant communities, and we're committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive through access to these vital resources."


Why CityChurch Eastside supports Noble Clay.......

"As a church, we want to see people grow in health in all sorts of ways. Noble Clay is serving underserved communities through health and fitness in a way that we know is pleasing and glorifying to God."



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