1,561 total pounds lost

Drop It 2022

Lose weight in May to raise money for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

$67,526Raised of $50,000

Drop It for Dana-Farber

The Massachusetts Law Enforcement Community is losing weight this May to support Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Sign up to fundraise and lose weight with us or pledge per pound lost to your favorite participant.

Since its founding in 1947, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts has been committed to providing adults and children with cancer with the best treatment available today while developing tomorrow's cures through cutting-edge research.

For over 70 years, Dana-Farber has led the world by making life-changing breakthroughs in cancer research and patient care, providing the most advanced treatments available. Help us, help them by pledging or donating today!

Register Here for the Car Push Event

Registration for the Car Push event is now open!

Please click the button below to register.

How It Works

Step 1:

Department Drop It Coordinators: Click 'Join' and then 'Create a Team'

Department Members: Click 'Join' and then 'Join a Team' to find your Department

Step 2:

Estimate how many pounds you personally will be trying to lose during the month of May. It doesn't have to be exact, and you can change your number any time.

Step 3:

Option 1: Customize your page to tell us why you're participating and why it's important to you to help fundraise for Dana-Farber.

Option 2: Use the default story that's already provided for you.

Step 4:

Click the "Share" button on your personal page to "Share via Email or text" to connect to friends & family ask if they’ll support your efforts by making a pledge per pound lost or donating a flat amount to your efforts to support Dana-Farber. You can also share on social media.

During May: Log your activities on your personal page to share your progress with your supporters by clicking 'Updates' at the top of the page.

From the Drop It Team, Thank you!

Good afternoon,

With the 1st Annual DROP IT Challenge coming to a close, we would like to thank you all for your selflessness, discipline, hard work, and willingness to help raise money for such an incredible cause. You have impacted the lives of so many!

Cancer is hard enough on the families, parents, friends, and those battling it. Knowing that so many members of the law enforcement community were there to support them can give that extra sense of comfort and inspiration! Thank you all!

Please feel free to share with us your stories and before/after photos of your journey this past month. We know these stories will inspire others to follow your lead!

As you may already know, we have cancelled the car push due to low turnout and potential injury concerns. However, we will try for a similar event again at the end of next year's DROP IT Challenge. Suggestions are always welcome!

We will be presenting a check to Dana Farber on June 9th for the final amount raised. 

When it comes to which team won the Challenge? Well, the answer to that is simple - the kids at Dana Farber! A special thank you to the top fundraisers- the 72nd ROC Plymouth Police Academy, Haverhill Police, the Methuen Police as well as all 41 Teams that joined the Drop It Challenge. 

Thank you all for all your hard work and dedication to both improving your own health as well as raising funds for those who need it the most! You are an inspiration to so many!


The DROP IT team
