Walk, Roll, Gather & Support!

Join us to raise funds for programs benefitting our community while having fun outdoors - TOGETHER!

$33,232Raised of $45,000

Walk & Roll with us!

October 8th, 2022 - Red Tailed Hawl Accessible Park, Aurora, CO

Be part of honoring all Coloradans living with Spina Bifida!

- Register for the Walk & Roll
- Recruit friends & family to join your team!
- Raise funds to reach your individual and/or team goal
- Volunteer to help

Walk N' Roll is the largest gathering of the Spina Bifida Association of Colorado community, typically over 250 people, with families coming from all over Colorado as well as Wyoming, Nebraska, Arizona, and New Mexico. The Walk N' Roll is designed to build the local Colorado community and raise financial support for people living with Spina Bifida.

For more than 40 years, the Spina Bifida Association (SBA) has dedicated itself to preventing Spina Bifida and enhancing the lives of all affected. We work to make a practical, positive difference every day, helping to improve care so our community can enjoy life to the fullest and expect a better future.


7:00am – Vendor setup

8:00am – Registration begins

9:00am – Event start

11:00 – Event End

Top Teams and Fundraisers Win Fun Prizes!

Individual and Team Prizes

Raise $500 - Earn a WalknRoll Lunchbox cooler

Raise $1000 – Also Earn a WalknRoll Hat

Raise $1500 - Also Earn an SBACO Lap blanket

Raise $2000 - Also Earn an SBACO Chair

Top 3 Team Prizes $2000+:

1stPlace Receives $100 Amazon Gift Card

2ndPlace Receives $75 Amazon Gift Card

3rdPlace Receives $50 Amazon Gift Card

1, 2 & 3rd Place Winners Receive all of the Above PLUS A VIP Table & Tent at the Walk Equipped with Snacks, Decorations & Waters.


What is Spina Bifida?

Spina Bifida is a neural tube birth defect that happens when the spinal column does not form properly. People with Spina Bifida may be minimally affected or may face multiple complications throughout their life. It is the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the US, impacting 177,000 individuals.

Colorado Facts

  • Approximately 3.5 in every 10,000 births results in a Spina Bifida diagnosis.

  • Approximately 1,700 of those people live in Colorado.

  • The cost of lifetime care for people with Spina Bifida in Colorado is $1,000,000 though it can often exceed $1,689,000,000.

