721,721 total activities

Move Across May

Move Across May is a month long campaign challenging you to move with us, in whatever way you choose, to help us accompany families in Haiti out of poverty for good. Pick a challenge and move with us this May!

$119,046Raised of $150,000

Thank you for moving with us this May!

This May, over 200 participants from across the U.S., Canada and Haiti moved with us, in whatever way they chose, to help us accompany families in Haiti out of poverty through good, dignified jobs. This Move Community ran, walked, climbed, swam, biked, hosted fundraising events, and completed many more activities with us over 31 days.

In the past 5 years, 1,132 amazing individuals joined us and did all kinds of activities to raise over $867,317

The funds raised ensures that we can continue to provide uninterrupted wrap-around services to our families and support their ability to pull themselves out of poverty through dignified work. This Move Community, including our generous partners and sponsors, supports over 800 people who want the same thing as you, a roof over their head, food on the table and a dignified job.

Looking to support with a donation? It's not too late.

Join us at www.dowork.org/donate. To learn more about WORK, visit us at www.dowork.org or @doworkorg on social media. For questions, contact us by emailing support@dowork.org

Your Impact

Your impact on Irène

This is Irène. She is very resourceful, and is the mother of everyone in the community. She sells bread and coffee that many people in the community buy for breakfast. Irène is undoubtedly the best-known person in the community. The investment we provided to her enabled her to open a second business selling men's and women's underwear and school supplies. She is renowned for her generosity, often allowing parents to buy school supplies on credit so they can send their children to school. “I chose to do this business to make it easier for people to find things to put in their tummies and those of their children, and to find items to dress them properly to send them to school. I also sell other school items to them at very affordable prices.” says Irène about her business. It's easy to see why the whole community calls her "Manman Irene" (Mother Irène). Your support will enable Manman Irène to keep providing for the community and for other families to receive small business investments.

