Mar 2, 2024
632 total kilometers

The "Go the Distance" Challenge

Building Veterinary Leaders, One Kilometer at a Time

$12,000Raised of $12,000

Our Mission

The Midwestern University College of Veterinary Medicine is issuing a challenge to help build leadership capacity within our college and within the veterinary profession as a whole. Reaching our fundraising goal of at least $10,000 will provide an opportunity for more of our first and second year veterinary students to attend this summer's Veterinary Leadership Experience (VLE).

Our "Go the Distance" Challenge involves either a 100 km cycling option or a 10 km running/walking option. Volunteer faculty members, students, and friends of the College (see their profile pages below) who have committed to riding or running/walking (and the training required) will be very grateful for your support in helping us reach our goal.

How To Donate

To make a per kilometer pledge or simply a flat donation, click Donate. You can choose to credit your donation to a participant or leave a general donation in support of VLI.

You can also view a particular participant's page below to support them with a flat donation or pledge per kilometer that they complete. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Your financial support in any amount is very much appreciated!


Our Sponsors