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Cal Women's Basketball 2025 Play4Kay Auction

Turning Cancer Awareness into Action #BecauseItsPersonal!

United in the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer is personal. It doesn’t discriminate. Every minute, a woman hears those words that change everything, "You have cancer".

Our annual Play4Kay action has gone digital. Bid on your favorite players shooting shirt or a limited edition signed "This Is What We Do" shirt now through Feb. 5. All proceeds directly benefit the Kay Yow Cancer Fund who's mission is to raise money for life saving cancer research, fund programs that provide access to quality cancer healthcare for underserved women and unite people in the fight against all cancers affecting women.

All winners will be notified following the end of our auction and mailed their winning item.

Together we can make a difference


Anonymous donated $50

1 month ago

Anonymous donated $50

Making donation because of the Cal women's basketball promotion of this great cause. Thank you and Go Bears!

1 month ago


Twila Foster donated $100

1 month ago


Lindy Khan donated $100

1 month ago


Nancy Orear donated $250

1 month ago

Copy of Because we are ALL affected.png

The mission of the Kay Yow Cancer Fund is to raise money for life saving cancer research, programs that provide access to quality cancer healthcare for underserved women, and unite people in the fight against all cancers affecting women.

"When life kicks you, let it kick you forward" - Coach Kay Yow