1,289 total putts made

Adam & Skylar’s 6th Annual Golf Marathon & 100-Putt Challenge for CHOP

Sign up now or donate today!

$127,352Raised of $250,000

Support Adam and Skylar's 100-Putt Challenge for CHOP

Support the 6th Annual Golf Marathon & 100-putt Challenge for CHOP and help us raise funds & awareness for the best children’s hospital on the planet! What can you do to help? Take your own 100-putt Challenge for CHOP! Click the "Sign Up" button above, spread the word to your friends, family & social media (#100PuttsforCHOP), then set yourself up *ANYWHERE you can attempt 100 six-foot putts -- indoors or outdoors -- and see how many six-footers out of 100 you can sink! Post your results & spread the word! PledgeIt will help you accept flat donations or donations based on the number of putts you make.

If you have any questions in general, please contact Joel Friedman (joel@clearviewcapitalmgmt.com) or Liz Ward (warde6@chop.edu).

Thank you for supporting the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia!!

About Adam & Skylar

About Skylar

I am 16 years old and a truly grateful patient of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ("CHOP"). My CHOP journey began during my mother's pregnancy. Local doctors noticed that I had a lung mass on my fetal ultrasound. Although I lived in New York, with access to fantastic medical care, it became abundantly clear that no one locally knew how to accurately diagnose or treat this particular situation. Thankfully, we turned to CHOP, specifically Dr. Scott Adzick at the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment. Dr. Adzick discovered that I had a lung tumor that occupied my entire right lower lobe, and it had a massive blood supply the size of my aorta. This was a life-threatening situation, and the tumor was removed when I was just five months old. The surgery was a success, and my family was impressed with the care, compassion, and professionalism of everyone at CHOP.

Unfortunately, I have faced some additional health challenges throughout my life, such as multiple and severe food allergies, asthma, hypothyroidism, and growth concerns. While these adversities are frustrating, CHOP was there for me at every hurdle. Despite living 2.5 hours away from the campus, we routinely travel to see experts like Dr. Jonathan Spergel, Dr. Andrew Bauer, and Dr. David Weber.

While I am not the most complicated case to present to CHOP, I feel so fortunate for the care I have received, and I am passionate about giving back to a place that has given me so much.

In addition to co-founding this event, I am honored to be a member of the CHOP Youth Advisory Council. In my free time, I am a passionate golfer, a robotics nerd, and I hope to be an aeronautical engineer someday.

About Adam

Adam Laird is a Golf Teaching Professional and Founder of the Adam Laird Junior Golf Academy, hosted at The North Shore Country Club in Glen Head, NY. Although Adam helps golfers of all ages and abilities, he has a particular passion in working with kids! This has taken Adam all over the world, introducing the game and all of the good things that come from it to hundreds of young people!

After meeting and working with longtime CHOP patient, Skylar Friedman on his golf swing, Adam learned about the Hospital and all of its incredible work. Adam and "Sky" have since teamed up for the Annual Golf Marathon for CHOP!

