Mar 2, 2025

Meyer Foundation for Disabilities

21st Walk & Roll for Disabilities

$29,896Raised of $40,000

Join Us!

Join us for 21st Annual Walk & Roll for Disabilities

March 2nd

Help us raise critical funds for the Meyer Foundation for Disabilities.

Event begins: 9:00 am

Oak View Mall food court

A light breakfast, face painting, clowns,( Star Wars ) Central Garrison 501 St Legion and Photo booth, and more.

Everyone that register before Feb. 13, 2025 will receive a T-shirt

Stay tuned for more details!

The Walk & Roll helps assure programming such as Thursday night rec therapy, cooking classes, adult swim, and more for adults with disabilities for years to come.

About Us

The Meyer Foundation for Disabilities is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the thousands of adults with disabilities in the Omaha metro area by offering them recreational, social and life skills programs. Cooking classes, and swim, group outings and yoga classes are among the many activities we help to provide.

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Biggest Team

Team Gildea 42

Team KellyLynn 34

Team Justin 31

Ben's Bunch 21

B Strong 18

Volunteers needed

If you would like to volunteer for set up the night before the walk.

During the walk and clean up after the walk .

Honorary Family

Sommer Family

Hayden loves Munroe Meyer. His love for Munroe Meyer’s recreation department started at a much younger age over 10 years ago. Once we started accessing all the great programs they offer for Hayden we knew this might just be his heaven here on earth. And over the years this has proved to be true. As an adult now, he enjoys the adult programs, such as swimming, art club and others. This is heaven for him because without Munroe Meyer he wouldn’t be able to access swimming, built life-long relationships with some of the most fabulous humans in the world (participants and staff) and so many opportunities to bake, craft, dance, and have fun. Hayden has Phelan McDermid Syndrome which affects him quite severely in all areas of his life, and Munroe Meyer sees him as a person and seeks to provide him opportunity. It is beautiful and how lucky are all of us that we have this here in Omaha. Hayden’s sister, Abby, a senior in high school has also benefited from MMI through volunteering at 13 and then becoming staff at 16. The learning and acceptance she speaks of about MMI will put a smile on anyone’s face. It has also led her down a path where she hopes to pursue becoming an occupational therapist. As parents we love it all and have felt so empowered and safe to get Hayden active in activities. We know he is cared for well and loved there. And most of all, he enjoys himself. Munroe Meyer provides Hayden a space we all deserve to have, and we are forever grateful. Thank you MMI and all the supporters of it.

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Self Advocate

Ethan Falk

Ethan started receiving services at MMI when he was three and has been participating in camps through the Recreation Therapy Department for over twelve years. It has been amazing for Ethan to have the opportunity to swim, cook, play games, do art projects, use the accessible playground, and ride a bike along with his peers. The fun and creative activities are endless! Besides seeing many friends from the community at MMI, Ethan has also developed wonderful relationships with camp staff and volunteers. The excitement we see on Ethan’s face when he attends the Rec Therapy program is exactly what parents hope for. We could not be more grateful for the services and programs offered at MMI. Ethan is honored to be the 2024 Walk & Roll Self Advocate.

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