40 total free throws made

100 Buckets Challenge 2025

Make a lasting impact in the Nicholtown community, just by sinking or sponsoring some buckets!

$6,585Raised of $35,000

Éleos Ministry 100 Buckets Campaign

Éleos Ministry is partnering with PLEDGE IT to raise $35,000 to support their weekly programs serving students in the Nicholtown community. Éleos is a neighborhood-focused ministry that provides FREE After-school services including creative arts, homework assistance, mentoring, bible discussions, meals, leadership development, college prep, sports programs and more! Thank you for partnering with us as we serve the amazing students of Nicholtown!

Here's how it works

Éleos Ministry is seeking anyone and everyone willing to participate in the 100 Buckets challenge. Each participant will shoot 100 Buckets (free throws).

Participants will ask for pledges for every free throw they make (average pledges are $1). The goal for each participant is to accumulate as many pledges as possible and obviously sink as many free throws as possible. (Example: 65 free throws made x 12 pledges (at $1) = $780 dollars!) And do you know what the best part is? You can do this from anywhere. There are literally no restrictions. Whether you live in Greenville, New York City, or Albuquerque, you can partner with us to raise the funds we need to continue equipping and elevating next generation leaders in the Nicholtown community.

The participant free throws will be made by March 31, 2025 at a court or gym of your choosing. Participants are asked to post a picture or even better, a time-lapse video of their free throws to their Pledge It webpage. After shooting their shots, participants will enter their total free throws made on their Pledge It account, and all the money raised will go to support Éleos programs!

Amount Raised

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