198 total miles

Raise Your Paddle Challenge

Support Clean Ocean Access by competing in a fun, inclusive competition to raise money and awareness for our upcoming Paddle for Access event on August 20, 2022.

$17,606Raised of $40,000

Raise Your Paddle powered by Gill

In celebration of our ongoing work to protect and preserve shoreline access, the 5th Annual Paddle for Access event will take place on August 20th at the Safe Harbor Newport Shipyard.

The Raise Your Paddle Challenge is a great way to train for the upcoming race, while raising awareness and support for Clean Ocean Access. All paddlers registered for this year's event can apart take in the challenge by creating a fundraising page where they can invite friends and family to support their race, while also tracking how many miles they have paddled from August 1st to August 20th.

If that isn't enough, paddlers compete for a grand prize of up to $500 in gear from Gill Marine!

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Getting Involved in the Challenge

STEP 1 - Register for the Event

STEP 2 - Compete by Creating a Fundraising Page

STEP 3 - Share & Track Your Progress
