BBBS Washington County Donations

Help make a BIG impact!

$10,985Raised of $100,000

Your support makes our collective future brighter.

Each day our Matches demonstrate their dedication to each other. Our Bigs exceed the bounds of simply volunteering. In the last 50 years Bigs become a refuge for their Little, families who have donated kidneys, across America road bike tips, tremendous celebrations and tremendous loss and some Matches who have stuck together for 50 years!

This is the ask, we need you now more than ever. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County needs you to stand with us. Your support ensures child safety and that every kid has someone in their corner. As an organization it takes the entire community to make a difference, it takes everyone to empower potential.

At this moment in time, we have 40 youth on our waiting list. We have 40 children who are waiting for someone to be on their team, some have been waiting for years. When you leave here tonight, please remember you are the ambassadors of our incredible program. Our Bigs and Littles come to us because they know how strong Big Brothers Big Sisters- they know our impact. When you tell your neighbors and friends about the incredible work you do, our community grows. Big Brother Big Sisters is a force for change, a powerful team building and dignity, confidence and empathy every day. Your support creates change. Your support makes our collective future brighter. We need you.
