
Raised of $250

Based on 146 birds seen each worth $2.65

Jim Shurts

146/100 birds seen

Apr 15 - Jun 15, 2023

My Mission

Birds need our help! North America has lost over 3 billion birds since the 1970s, but we can help #BringBirdsBack. By donating to my page, you're supporting the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin's Bird Protection Fund, which funds Wisconsin's highest priority bird conservation projects. and Madison Audubon which together with our members, we celebrate, enjoy, and protect Wisconsin's birds and natural heritage.

Your support would mean a lot to me. Birds have made an incredible difference in my life and I want to protect them. Every dollar counts when it comes to helping our birds, so no donation is too small. Thank you for considering!

P.S. Lovely photo isn't it? Yes, I'm a bird nerd and a goofy looking one at that.

Make a donation online by clicking "donate" above, or mail a check to: Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, ATTN: Great Wisconsin Birdathon, 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison, WI 53703 (and include our team's name in the memo line!)

Jim Shurts

1 yr. ago


birds seen


Per bird seen



This is the whole team total.

Contributions 9

Birdathon PledgeIt site (2).png

Your Donation Makes a Difference For Birds

Donations made to the Great Wisconsin Birdathon support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin’s Bird Protection Fund, which has given out over $1.3 million towards Wisconsin’s highest priority bird conservation projects since its inception in 2009.

Whether it's creating Piping Plover habitat, rearing Whooping Crane chicks, spreading awareness about Connecticut Warblers, supporting community initiatives for bird-friendly neighborhoods, engaging new and underrepresented voices in the birding community, building impactful collaborations to protect Wisconsin's Important Bird Areas, or protecting our neotropical migrants on their long migratory journeys to Central America... the Bird Protection Fund is there to help.

Your donations make this work possible. Thank you for supporting on-the-ground conservation and being there #ForTheBirds!