
Raised of $2,000

Amie Richards

Why I Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida

I'm Walk-N-Rolling for Spina Bifida because SBAGNE is an organization near and dear to my heart. As SBAGNE's Board Chair, I'm proud to represent this amazing organization and all we do to support individuals and families effected by Spina Bifida. I'm hoping to not only raise funds to support SBAGNE directly, but also to raise awareness of SB. Anything you can do to support my efforts, whether it be by donating, joining my team, sharing my team page, or even attending an in-person Walk-N-Roll, means the world to me!!

Amie Richards

2 yr. ago

FLASHBACK FRIDAY to Walk-N-Roll 2019 in New Gloucester, ME! I can't wait to see new and friendly faces again next month at WNR. Will you be there??

There will be two chances!
May 14th: Great Island Commons in Newcastle, NH
May 22nd: Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital in Canton, MA

Contributions 16