
Raised of $3,000

2023 Livonia Stevenson Community Fleece & Thank You Blanket Making Event

2023 Livonia Stevenson Community Fleece & Thank You Blanket Making Event Fundraising Page

For Attendees: Please enter in doors 19 and 20 on the west side of the building.

Our big event is on Monday, December 4th from 5p-8p at Stevenson High School!

Please help support comforting kids in the hospital by making a donation through this page!

This is a fundraising page to contribute towards making blankets for kids in the hospital. Every $30 means another blanket for another child. Members can contribute any amount of money; it all counts!

The process is fast, easy, and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

For more details about the event, please email info@fleeceandthankyou.org or call us at 313.451.3665.

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