
Raised of $200

Based on 17 miles each worth $23.76

Rich John

17/17 miles

Sep 22-25, 2023

Local History Matters

Local history belongs to everyone. I’m excited to support The History Center in Tompkins County because of their commitment to preserving and sharing our community’s past. Please support my efforts with a gift to my page. Every pledge matters!

Rich John

10 mo. ago




Per mile



Rich and Vicki completed their 17 mile run, and we're looking forward to sharing more of the thoughts and history behind it. Stay tuned!

Contributions 6

Find your history to build a better tomorrow

Get ready to explore Tompkins County this September! The History Center stewards the physical history of our community, building space and opportunity to engage with our past. We need your help to save the stories of the people and places that make our home special. Building Bridges will take you on an exciting journey grounded in our shared history.

D20.9.Halseyville Bridge.Taken about 1912.png