
Raised of $1,000

Based on 100 estimated species observed each worth $11.25

Jon Altemus

84/100 species observed

Feb 10 - May 16, 2025

My Mission

I'm excited to join this incredible initiative! Golden Gate Bird Alliance's mission to inspire people to protect Bay Area birds is very important to me and I'm proud to help them make a difference. Please support me by giving to my page. Every dollar counts! Thank you.

My minimum goal is 65 species between March 1 and May 1.

A pledge of at least $1.00 per species would be fantastic!

Jon Altemus

7 hr. ago


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Finally made it to my ‘patch’, Sibley Volcanic Regional Park. and added just 4 new species. It was rather blustery with some sprinkles so anything new was a bonus.

81. Golden Eagle 82. Cooper’s Hawk 83. California Thrasher 84. Red-bellied Nuthatch

Jon Altemus

1 wk. ago


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I spent four days in Sierra Valley working on the exhibits for the Feather River Land Trust Nature Center. I was able to sneak away Yesterday and bird in the area. I’ve added 9 new species to my count.

1. Sandhill Crane 2. N. Pintail 3. Ring-necked Duck 4. Green-winged Teal 5. Bald Eagle 6. Red-winged Blackbird 7. Brown-headed Blackbird 8. Greater White-fronted Goose 9. Black-billed Magpie

Jon Altemus

2 wk. ago


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Ok, So I'm out of the gate with a big day!

March 1 and I visited 3 locations. EBRPD MLK r\Regional Shoreline/Arrowhead Marsh, EBRPD Garin/Dry Creek Pioneer Regional Park and EBRPD Coyote Hills Regional Park. Thank you East Bay Regional Parks!!! What a fantastic resource we have here!

Species seen today:

1. Canada Goose 2. Blue-winged Teal 3. Cinnamon Teal 4. Northern Shoveler 5. American Wigeon 6. Mallard 7. Gadwall 8. Ruddy Duck 9. Lesser Scaup 10. Bufflehead 11. Common Goldeneye 12. Ridgeway's Rail 13. American Coot 14. Common Gallinule 15. Am. Avocet 16. Black-necked Stilt 17. Marbled Godwit 18. Willet 19. Dunlin 20. W. Sandpiper 21. W. Gull 22. CA Gull 23. Forster's Tern 24. Eared Grebe 25. Pied-billed Grebe 26. Western Grebe 27. Snowy Egret 28. Great Egret 29. Great-blue Heron 30. Turkey Vulture 31. Northern Harrier 32. Red-tailed Hawk 33. Red-shouldered Hawk 34. White-Tailed Kite 35. AM. Kestrel 36. Common Raven 37. AM Crow 38. White-crowned Sparrow 39. Golden-crowned Sparrow 40. Savannah Sparrow 41. Song Sparrow 42. CA Towhee 43. Spotted Towhee 44. W. Meadowlark 45. Brewer's Blackbird 46. Red-winged Blackbird 47. Black Phoebe 48. Say's Phoebe 49. CA Scrub Jay 50. Acorn Woodpecker 51. Nuttall's Woodpecker 52. N. Flicker 53. Oak Titmouse 54. Tree Swallow 55. Barn Swallow 56. Bushtit 57. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 58. Bewick's Wren 59. Marsh Wren 60. European Starling 61. Yellow-rumped Warbler 62. House Finch 63. Lesser Goldfinch 64. Dark-eyed Junco 65. W. Bluebird 66. AM Robin 67. CA Quail 68. Wild Turkey 69. Band-tailed Pigeon 70. Eurasian Collard-Dove 71. Mourning Dove

Contributions 13