Raised of $250
Charlotte Pyles
Fundraiser Profile
0/5 miles/kilometers
Participating in Miles Against Poverty Challenge 2021
May 1, 2021
Team Captain of Jerry & Charlotte 152nd Birthday
My Mission
At our 50th wedding anniversary celebration 4 years ago (with matching funds from USAid) we raised $35,000 for "Food for the Hungry." This summer we both look forward to our 76th birthdays for a combined 152 years old! Last year we wanted a 150th birthday bash but COVID prevented that. We have been providing only $35/month to help Alexander Josue, a young boy from Nicaragua. This is a drop in the bucket for what is needed in that nation and others around the world. We are praying for friends and family to help us celebrate the best birthdays ever by pledging support to "Food for the Hungry."
Charlotte Pyles
3 yr. ago
Per mile/kilometer
Because of an injury I was unable to do the 5K. I am so sad about this but thankful for the people who gave a one-time donation totalling $1,000.
Charlotte Pyles
3 yr. ago
unable to do the 5k because of injury. So sorry.!
Contributions 12
About Food for the Hungry
For fifty years, we’ve partnered with communities in over twenty countries worldwide, caring for children and families at risk, responding to unthinkable disasters, and equipping communities to flourish and thrive – all with the mission of ending poverty.
Since our beginning, we’ve been driven by the belief that all people should have a brighter future, all should have hope. It’s what motivates and inspires us everyday, as we do this work God has called us to.