
Raised of $1,000

Based on 160 species seen each worth $9.80

Tara McIntire

160/160 species seen

Mar 11 - May 15, 2023

The Mission: Help support the BIRDS!

I detest asking for money, EXCEPT when it comes to things I am passionate about. For this ask, it should come as no surprise that the ‘things’ are: BIRDS (and yes, jumping spiders too, but that will be a future request ;-)

I am a new Board member for the Golden Gate Audubon Chapter (GGAS) and as part of our largest fund-raising effort I was asked to join the ‘Big Day’ team. On April 1st, two teams of seriously kooky bird lovers will compete to see the most birds in a day. One team will scour the East Bay, while the other will search across San Francisco – East versus West. It should prove to be a real HOOT (which is actually how we will start the day – in the dark – listening for owls!). Recall, I did say kooky….


I am excited to help further support GGAS and their amazing breadth of work which includes:

• adult ed classes that feature 20–25 offerings and serves over 400 participants;

• free monthly speaker series that attracts an average of 100 people per month (recently they hosted the renowned entomologist Dr. Doug Tallamy!)

• a flagship Eco-Ed program, that has served Title 1 (low-income) students in San Francisco, Oakland and Richmond for 24 years;

• habitat restoration programs that sponsor nearly 100 events with 500 volunteers restoring and maintaining habitats across the Bay;

• sponsors and organizes three Christmas Bird Counts (San Francisco, Oakland and Richmond);

• and very active and effective conservation committees (San Francisco, East Bay, and Alameda) that successfully advocate for birds and wildlife around the Bay Area (ex: a new bird-safe glass ordinance).

Would you join me in helping to protect birds and their critical habitats; while also making birding accessible and welcoming to all?

You can pledge a set amount to support the work of GGAS or you can pledge an amount per bird, which I will inform you of our results after April 1st (our target is 150 birds!). Of course, any amount you can afford is much appreciated!

Thank you for supporting my passion and more importantly, BIRDS!


(P.S. We can accept donations until May 18th!)

Tara McIntire

1 yr. ago

Tara McIntire

1 yr. ago


species seen


Per species seen




160 bird species seen!!!!

We broke last year's East Bay total by 19! It was a spectacular day with a great team of folks working hard to raise money for something we all love: BIRDS!

13 hours birded

26 stops (Ebird checklists)

9 miles walked (even with all that driving)

From Point Richmond's Miller Knox EPRP to Livermore's famous birding alley - Mines Road (and all points in between).

We have raised well over $15,000 by our team alone and we are only a small portion of the entire Birdathon event, which is comprised of many more fundraising activities through May 15th.

Thank you!!!!!! Your support is essential.

Kind regards,


(all the blue and red pins are where we stopped)

Tara McIntire

1 yr. ago

OMG!!! You all are AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!! I have almost reached the goal I set, but hope to surpass it with late donors....plus I'm just going to wear folks down with my posts.

THANK YOU!!!! I'll fill you in after the BIG DAY event on the 1st!



Contributions 23